Sunday, May 6, 2012

जनरल नॉलेज क्विज 19

1. आंग सान सू की को अपने देशमें लोकतंत्र की मुहिम चलाने के लिए जाना जाता है. अब वह 24 वर्षों के बाद विदेश यात्रा पर जा रही हैं. वह किस देश की नेता हैं?
 (क)म्यांमार (ख) भूटान (ग) नेपाल

2. इंटरनेशनल यूथ फाउंडेशन की अपॉचरुनिटी फॉर एक्शन रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, 15 वर्ष से अधिक आयु वाले कितने भारतीय अशिक्षित हैं?

(क)25 करोड़ (ख) 27 करोड़ (ग) 30 करोड़

3. विश्‍व की दो बड़ी वित्तीय संस्थाओं विश्‍व बैंक और अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्राकोषकी स्थापना एक साल हुई थी? इन दोनों की स्थापना किस वर्ष हुई थी ?

(क) 1943 (ख) 1945 (ग) 1944

4. सेना के उपयोग में आने वाले किन ट्रकों की खरीद मामले में जांच एजेंसी सीबीआइ उस कंपनी के मालिक रवि ऋषि से पूछताछ कर रही है?

(क)टाटा (ख) अशोक ले-लैंड (ग) टाट्रा

5. अमेरिका में होने वाले राष्ट्रपति चुनाव में मौजूदा राष्ट्रपति बराक ओबामा की लोकप्रियता विपक्षी उम्मीदवार मिट रोमनी से कम हो गयी है. रोमनी किस पार्टी के नेता हैं?

(क)डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी (ख) रिपब्लिकन पार्टी (ग)अमेरिकन पार्टी

6. भारतीय रिर्जव बैंक ने वार्षिक मौद्रिक नीति की घोषणा करते हुए विभित्र दरों में कटौती की. आरबीआइ के गवर्नर का नाम क्या है?

े(क)मोंटेक सिंह अहलुवालिया (ख) डी सुब्बाराव (ग) सी रंगराजन
1.(क) 2.(ख) 3.(ग) 4.(ग) 5.(ख) 6.(ख)

Monday, March 28, 2011

23 मार्च

1931: भारतीय क्रांतिकारियों भगत सिंह, सुखदेव और राजगुरु को फाँसी

भारत के सुप्रसिद्ध क्रांतिकारियों भगत सिंह, सुखदेव और राजगुरु को लाहौर सेंट्रल जेल में फाँसी दे दी गई.

भगत सिंह

भगत सिंह, सुखदेव और राजगुरु को लाहौर सेंट्रल जेल में फाँसी दी गई

वामपंथी विचारधारा के समर्थक भगत सिंह की उम्र उस समय मात्र 23 साल थी. लेकिन अपने क्रांतिकारी साथी बटुकेश्वर दत्त के साथ मिलकर नई दिल्ली की सेंट्रल एसेंबली में आठ अप्रैल, 1929 को बम और पर्चे फेंकने से उनका नाम पूरे भारत में पहचाना जाने लगा था. इस घटना में कोई हताहत नहीं हुआ था और भगत सिंह का कहना था कि उनका मक़सद केवल 'अंग्रेज़ सरकार को जगाने का था.' दोनों क्रांतिकारियों को सेंट्रल एसेंबली से ही गिरफ़्तार कर लिया गया था.

इसके बाद भगत सिंह पर ब्रिटिश शासन के ख़िलाफ़ जंग छेड़ने का आरोप लगा. इसी के साथ भगत सिंह, सुखदेव और राजगुरु के ख़िलाफ़ लाहौर षड़यंत्र मामला चला और उन्हें इसी मामले में फँसी हुई. इस मामले से भारत के अनेक हिस्सों में रोष की लहर दौड़ गई और ब्रितानी सरकार ने भड़की भावनाओं को समझते हुए गुप्त तरीके से पंजाब के फ़िरोज़पुर में हुसैनीवाला में तीनों क्रांतिकारियों का अंतिम संस्कार भी कर दिया.

1940: मुस्लिम लीग का लाहौर में 'पाकिस्तान' प्रस्ताव

मोहम्मद अली जिन्नाह

मोहम्मद अली जिन्ना को पाकिस्तान के संस्थापक के रूप में याद किया जाता है

पाकिस्तान को अस्तित्व में आए लगभग 63 साल हो गए हैं लेकिन क्या आपको पता है कि पाकिस्तान बनने की कड़ी में एक अहम पड़ाव 23 मार्च 1940 को आया था.

इसी दिन ब्रितानी भारत में मुसलमानों का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाले एक दल मुस्लिम लीग ने लाहौर में एक प्रस्ताव रखा जिसे बाद में पाकिस्तान प्रस्ताव के नाम से भी जाना जाने लगा है. इसके तहत पूरी तरह स्वायत्त और संप्रभु मुस्लिम देश बनाने का प्रस्ताव रखा गया.

अब 23 मार्च को पाकिस्तान दिवस के तौर पर मनाया जाता है. इसी के साथ वर्ष 1956 में इसी दिन पाकिस्तान का पहला संविधान अपनाया गया था.

इन हत्याओं से दोनों देशों की पुलिस बौखला गई और उन्हें शक था कि ये संयुक्त और स्वतंत्र आयरलैंड की पक्षधर आईआरए का काम है. बाद में ये शक सही निकला.

1983: रीगन की अंतरिक्ष में मिसाइल नष्ट करने की घोषणा

वर्ष 1983 में तत्कालीन अमरीकी राष्ट्रपति रोनल्ड रीगन ने एक ऐसी घोषणा की जिसका अर्थ शीत युद्ध को अंतरिक्ष में ले जाना लगाया गया.

उन्होंने अंतरिक्ष में परमाणु युद्ध का सामना करने के लिए स्ट्रैटेजिक डिफ़ेंस इनिशियेटिव की घोषणा की जिसमें लेसर तकनीक से आकाश में ही मिसाइलों को नष्ट करने का प्रस्ताव था.

बाद में ये योजना स्टार वॉर्स के नाम से चर्चित हुई जिसपर फ़िल्म सीरीज़ भी बनी. लेकिन आज अमरीका और रूस इसके उलट अपने-अपने परमाणु ज़ख़ीरे घटाने मे जुटे हैं.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Powerplay kings, and other IPL stats:A look at some of the key stats from the third IPL, halfway into the tournament

The IPL's third edition is almost at the halfway stage, with 29 out of 60 matches out of the way, and it's time to check out some of the key stats from the tournament so far. With the matches coming back to India after a gap of a year, it was expected that batsmen would have a better time than in the previous edition in South Africa, and that's exactly how it's turned out so far.

At the same stage of the tournament in 2008, batsmen had averaged a touch under 26 runs per wicket and 8.32 runs per over; the stats are pretty similar this year too, with the average rising fractionally to 26.05 but the run rate decreasing marginally to 8.21. In South Africa, of course, the batsmen struggled much more, with the average below 23 and the run rate less than eight.

The other interesting stat is the number of boundaries in these three editions at the halfway mark. The numbers this year are again closer to 2008 than to last year, with more fours and sixes being struck in the first edition than in this one so far - after 29 matches, there were 882 fours and 308 sixes in 2008, compared with 850 fours and 285 sixes this year. The difference is especially stark with 2009, especially in the number of fours - the quicker outfields in India have led to a 39% increase in the number of fours over last year. For the crowds, it has clearly been more entertainment this year.

After 29 matches in the three IPLs
Year Runs Wkts Average Run rate 4s 6s
2008 9078 350 25.93 8.32 882 308
2009 7655 340 22.51 7.56 613 248
2010 9251 355 26.05 8.21 850 285

Comparing the run rates of teams over the three IPLs it's clear that Mumbai Indians have moved ahead of the pack this year in terms of their run rate - they are the only team to have scored in excess of nine runs per over, thanks primarily to the outstanding form of their captain. Theirs has been a significant improvement from 2009, when they only managed a rate of 7.40.

The other team whose batting has improved significantly is Bangalore - their average runs per wicket has almost doubled from 2008, while the run rate too is much better than it was in the last two years.

For some of the other teams, the graphs have moved in the opposite direction: Kolkata's run rate continues to languish, while Punjab's batting woes are reflected in their batting average, which has dropped from 31.18 in 2008 to 20.44 this year. Quite remarkably, Delhi have exactly the same run rate this year as in 2008.

Team-wise batting stats for the teams in all three years
Team 2008 - Average Run rate 2009 - Average Run rate 2010 - Average Run rate
Mumbai Indians 26.32 8.34 23.13 7.40 29.16 9.15
Delhi Daredevils 27.44 8.48 28.41 7.73 27.70 8.48
Royal Challengers Bangalore 18.70 7.43 21.50 7.35 36.16 8.43
Rajasthan Royals 29.55 8.74 18.15 6.82 22.56 8.10
Deccan Chargers 23.96 8.29 23.84 7.90 22.32 8.15
Kolkata Knight Riders 22.06 7.79 24.40 7.20 26.02 7.31
Chennai Super Kings 31.88 8.44 27.54 8.10 29.31 8.15
Kings XI Punjab 31.18 8.81 22.16 7.19 20.44 7.93

Among the bowling units, the averages for Deccan and Bangalore have improved considerably over the first. Punjab, though, have struggled for wickets, with their average being the highest among all teams.

Team-wise bowling stats for all sides in all three years
Team 2008 - Average Econ rate 2009 - Average Econ rate 2010 - Average Econ rate
Mumbai Indians 22.29 8.05 22.24 7.23 25.27 8.34
Delhi Daredevils 23.15 8.34 20.35 7.54 21.08 8.19
Royal Challengers Bangalore 33.90 8.42 26.31 7.51 26.00 7.71
Rajasthan Royals 22.04 7.89 21.04 7.02 26.71 8.36
Deccan Chargers 34.35 8.70 21.70 7.52 24.82 8.36
Kolkata Knight Riders 24.54 8.05 33.16 7.87 29.56 7.89
Chennai Super Kings 27.61 8.42 22.02 7.54 26.20 8.27
Kings XI Punjab 25.44 8.54 24.81 7.58 32.05 8.58

The Powerplay stars

And now here's a closer look at some of the key stats from IPL 2010. We start with team and individual performances in the Powerplay overs (other aspects will be examined in subsequent articles over the next couple of weeks).

Mumbai have been absolute champions in the first six overs with the bat, with Sachin Tendulkar leading the way quite emphatically (more details on that in the next table). They've averaged almost nine-and-a-half runs per over, and more than 66 runs per wicket in these overs. Deccan and Delhi have been the other teams to average nine-plus with the bat, thanks to Adam Gilchrist, Virender Sehwag and David Warner. Deccan have been especially good with both bat and ball in the first six, averaging an economy rate of a shade over seven - the difference between their batting and bowling run rates is more than two, which suggests they've been pretty ordinary through the rest of the overs - to finish with three wins and as many losses in the first six matches. Bangalore have an exceptionally high average in the first six, thanks to their top-notch old guard, Jacques Kallis.

On the other hand, Rajasthan and Punjab have struggled to take charge in the first six. Rajasthan have conceded more than 50 runs seven times in eight matches, with three of those being above 60. Two of those are the highest conceded in the tournament so far - they gave away 76 against the otherwise abject Punjab, and 69 against Mumbai. Punjab have struggled to take wickets in the first six, which has hurt them quite badly - they concede almost 50 runs per wicket, which is much higher than their batting average.

Teams in the first six overs with bat and ball
Team Batting average Batting run rate Bowling average Economy rate Ave diff RR diff
Mumbai Indians 66.33 9.47 30.90 8.09 35.43 1.38
Deccan Chargers 27.25 9.08 19.46 7.02 7.79 2.06
Delhi Daredevils 28.86 9.02 22.47 7.95 6.39 1.07
Royal Challengers Bangalore 67.00 7.97 56.00 8.00 11.00 -0.03
Rajasthan Royals 26.92 7.85 42.45 9.72 -15.53 -1.87
Kings XI Punjab 27.08 7.73 49.42 8.23 -22.34 -0.50
Chennai Super Kings 35.70 7.43 40.30 8.39 -4.60 -0.96
Kolkata Knight Riders 23.76 7.35 27.83 7.95 -4.07 -0.60

Not surprisingly, Tendulkar is right on top of the run-scorers' list in the first six. He's made 163 of his 314 runs - that's more than 50% - during the Powerplay overs. He has only been dismissed once during this period, which gives him an exceptional average of 163, and those runs have come at a rate of 9.40 per over. Kallis follows, with an average that's almost as good, though the strike rate is quite a bit lower. Sehwag, Gilchrist and Warner are the others with a strike rate of 10 or more runs per over, while Murali Vijay has crept into the top 10 too, thanks to his superb knock against Bangalore.

Top batsmen in the first six overs (sorted by runs scored)
Batsman Runs Balls Dismissals Average Run rate
Sachin Tendulkar 163 104 1 163.00 9.40
Jacques Kallis 158 126 1 158.00 7.52
Virender Sehwag 157 91 5 31.40 10.35
Naman Ojha 149 108 5 29.80 8.27
Matthew Hayden 144 109 4 36.00 7.92
Adam Gilchrist 133 70 5 26.60 11.40
Manish Pandey 120 99 2 60.00 7.27
David Warner 120 72 3 40.00 10.00
Michael Lumb 110 78 3 36.67 8.46
Murali Vijay 99 65 1 99.00 9.13

Among the bowlers, Chaminda Vaas has been outstanding, which makes his omission from the team quite inexplicable. He has bowled 72 deliveries in the Powerplay overs, and taken seven wickets at an average of 8.14 and an economy rate of 4.75. All of that has been achieved with clever changes of pace, length, and some swing. Dirk Nannes has an excellent economy rate too, but he has only managed two wickets in 78 deliveries.

Top bowlers in the first six overs (sorted by econ rate; qual: 8 overs)
Bowler Balls bowled Runs conceded Wickets Average Econ rate
Chaminda Vaas 72 57 7 8.14 4.75
Dirk Nannes 78 64 2 32.00 4.92
Lasith Malinga 54 54 4 13.50 6.00
Praveen Kumar 84 100 1 100.00 7.14
Albie Morkel 84 107 3 35.67 7.64
Ryan McLaren 60 78 1 78.00 7.80
Zaheer Khan 78 102 2 51.00 7.84
Sreesanth 60 79 3 26.33 7.90

The Powerplay kings, and other IPL stats:A look at some of the key stats from the third IPL, halfway into the tournament

The IPL's third edition is almost at the halfway stage, with 29 out of 60 matches out of the way, and it's time to check out some of the key stats from the tournament so far. With the matches coming back to India after a gap of a year, it was expected that batsmen would have a better time than in the previous edition in South Africa, and that's exactly how it's turned out so far.

At the same stage of the tournament in 2008, batsmen had averaged a touch under 26 runs per wicket and 8.32 runs per over; the stats are pretty similar this year too, with the average rising fractionally to 26.05 but the run rate decreasing marginally to 8.21. In South Africa, of course, the batsmen struggled much more, with the average below 23 and the run rate less than eight.

The other interesting stat is the number of boundaries in these three editions at the halfway mark. The numbers this year are again closer to 2008 than to last year, with more fours and sixes being struck in the first edition than in this one so far - after 29 matches, there were 882 fours and 308 sixes in 2008, compared with 850 fours and 285 sixes this year. The difference is especially stark with 2009, especially in the number of fours - the quicker outfields in India have led to a 39% increase in the number of fours over last year. For the crowds, it has clearly been more entertainment this year.

After 29 matches in the three IPLs
Year Runs Wkts Average Run rate 4s 6s
2008 9078 350 25.93 8.32 882 308
2009 7655 340 22.51 7.56 613 248
2010 9251 355 26.05 8.21 850 285

Comparing the run rates of teams over the three IPLs it's clear that Mumbai Indians have moved ahead of the pack this year in terms of their run rate - they are the only team to have scored in excess of nine runs per over, thanks primarily to the outstanding form of their captain. Theirs has been a significant improvement from 2009, when they only managed a rate of 7.40.

The other team whose batting has improved significantly is Bangalore - their average runs per wicket has almost doubled from 2008, while the run rate too is much better than it was in the last two years.

For some of the other teams, the graphs have moved in the opposite direction: Kolkata's run rate continues to languish, while Punjab's batting woes are reflected in their batting average, which has dropped from 31.18 in 2008 to 20.44 this year. Quite remarkably, Delhi have exactly the same run rate this year as in 2008.

Team-wise batting stats for the teams in all three years
Team 2008 - Average Run rate 2009 - Average Run rate 2010 - Average Run rate
Mumbai Indians 26.32 8.34 23.13 7.40 29.16 9.15
Delhi Daredevils 27.44 8.48 28.41 7.73 27.70 8.48
Royal Challengers Bangalore 18.70 7.43 21.50 7.35 36.16 8.43
Rajasthan Royals 29.55 8.74 18.15 6.82 22.56 8.10
Deccan Chargers 23.96 8.29 23.84 7.90 22.32 8.15
Kolkata Knight Riders 22.06 7.79 24.40 7.20 26.02 7.31
Chennai Super Kings 31.88 8.44 27.54 8.10 29.31 8.15
Kings XI Punjab 31.18 8.81 22.16 7.19 20.44 7.93

Among the bowling units, the averages for Deccan and Bangalore have improved considerably over the first. Punjab, though, have struggled for wickets, with their average being the highest among all teams.

Team-wise bowling stats for all sides in all three years
Team 2008 - Average Econ rate 2009 - Average Econ rate 2010 - Average Econ rate
Mumbai Indians 22.29 8.05 22.24 7.23 25.27 8.34
Delhi Daredevils 23.15 8.34 20.35 7.54 21.08 8.19
Royal Challengers Bangalore 33.90 8.42 26.31 7.51 26.00 7.71
Rajasthan Royals 22.04 7.89 21.04 7.02 26.71 8.36
Deccan Chargers 34.35 8.70 21.70 7.52 24.82 8.36
Kolkata Knight Riders 24.54 8.05 33.16 7.87 29.56 7.89
Chennai Super Kings 27.61 8.42 22.02 7.54 26.20 8.27
Kings XI Punjab 25.44 8.54 24.81 7.58 32.05 8.58

The Powerplay stars

And now here's a closer look at some of the key stats from IPL 2010. We start with team and individual performances in the Powerplay overs (other aspects will be examined in subsequent articles over the next couple of weeks).

Mumbai have been absolute champions in the first six overs with the bat, with Sachin Tendulkar leading the way quite emphatically (more details on that in the next table). They've averaged almost nine-and-a-half runs per over, and more than 66 runs per wicket in these overs. Deccan and Delhi have been the other teams to average nine-plus with the bat, thanks to Adam Gilchrist, Virender Sehwag and David Warner. Deccan have been especially good with both bat and ball in the first six, averaging an economy rate of a shade over seven - the difference between their batting and bowling run rates is more than two, which suggests they've been pretty ordinary through the rest of the overs - to finish with three wins and as many losses in the first six matches. Bangalore have an exceptionally high average in the first six, thanks to their top-notch old guard, Jacques Kallis.

On the other hand, Rajasthan and Punjab have struggled to take charge in the first six. Rajasthan have conceded more than 50 runs seven times in eight matches, with three of those being above 60. Two of those are the highest conceded in the tournament so far - they gave away 76 against the otherwise abject Punjab, and 69 against Mumbai. Punjab have struggled to take wickets in the first six, which has hurt them quite badly - they concede almost 50 runs per wicket, which is much higher than their batting average.

Teams in the first six overs with bat and ball
Team Batting average Batting run rate Bowling average Economy rate Ave diff RR diff
Mumbai Indians 66.33 9.47 30.90 8.09 35.43 1.38
Deccan Chargers 27.25 9.08 19.46 7.02 7.79 2.06
Delhi Daredevils 28.86 9.02 22.47 7.95 6.39 1.07
Royal Challengers Bangalore 67.00 7.97 56.00 8.00 11.00 -0.03
Rajasthan Royals 26.92 7.85 42.45 9.72 -15.53 -1.87
Kings XI Punjab 27.08 7.73 49.42 8.23 -22.34 -0.50
Chennai Super Kings 35.70 7.43 40.30 8.39 -4.60 -0.96
Kolkata Knight Riders 23.76 7.35 27.83 7.95 -4.07 -0.60

Not surprisingly, Tendulkar is right on top of the run-scorers' list in the first six. He's made 163 of his 314 runs - that's more than 50% - during the Powerplay overs. He has only been dismissed once during this period, which gives him an exceptional average of 163, and those runs have come at a rate of 9.40 per over. Kallis follows, with an average that's almost as good, though the strike rate is quite a bit lower. Sehwag, Gilchrist and Warner are the others with a strike rate of 10 or more runs per over, while Murali Vijay has crept into the top 10 too, thanks to his superb knock against Bangalore.

Top batsmen in the first six overs (sorted by runs scored)
Batsman Runs Balls Dismissals Average Run rate
Sachin Tendulkar 163 104 1 163.00 9.40
Jacques Kallis 158 126 1 158.00 7.52
Virender Sehwag 157 91 5 31.40 10.35
Naman Ojha 149 108 5 29.80 8.27
Matthew Hayden 144 109 4 36.00 7.92
Adam Gilchrist 133 70 5 26.60 11.40
Manish Pandey 120 99 2 60.00 7.27
David Warner 120 72 3 40.00 10.00
Michael Lumb 110 78 3 36.67 8.46
Murali Vijay 99 65 1 99.00 9.13

Among the bowlers, Chaminda Vaas has been outstanding, which makes his omission from the team quite inexplicable. He has bowled 72 deliveries in the Powerplay overs, and taken seven wickets at an average of 8.14 and an economy rate of 4.75. All of that has been achieved with clever changes of pace, length, and some swing. Dirk Nannes has an excellent economy rate too, but he has only managed two wickets in 78 deliveries.

Top bowlers in the first six overs (sorted by econ rate; qual: 8 overs)
Bowler Balls bowled Runs conceded Wickets Average Econ rate
Chaminda Vaas 72 57 7 8.14 4.75
Dirk Nannes 78 64 2 32.00 4.92
Lasith Malinga 54 54 4 13.50 6.00
Praveen Kumar 84 100 1 100.00 7.14
Albie Morkel 84 107 3 35.67 7.64
Ryan McLaren 60 78 1 78.00 7.80
Zaheer Khan 78 102 2 51.00 7.84
Sreesanth 60 79 3 26.33 7.90

Indian Premier League 2009/10 / Fixtures

Date and Time Match Weather The Weather Channel

Fri Mar 12
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
1st match - Deccan Chargers v Kolkata Knight Riders
Dr DY Patil Sports Academy, Mumbai

Sat Mar 13
09:30 GMT | 15:00 local
15:00 IST
2nd match - Mumbai Indians v Rajasthan Royals
Brabourne Stadium, Mumbai

Sat Mar 13
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
3rd match - Kings XI Punjab v Delhi Daredevils
Punjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali, Chandigarh

Sun Mar 14
10:30 GMT | 16:00 local
16:00 IST
4th match - Kolkata Knight Riders v Royal Challengers Bangalore
Eden Gardens, Kolkata

Sun Mar 14
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
5th match - Chennai Super Kings v Deccan Chargers
MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chepauk, Chennai

Mon Mar 15
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
6th match - Rajasthan Royals v Delhi Daredevils
Sardar Patel Stadium, Motera, Ahmedabad

Tue Mar 16
10:30 GMT | 16:00 local
16:00 IST
7th match - Royal Challengers Bangalore v Kings XI Punjab
M Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore

Tue Mar 16
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
8th match - Kolkata Knight Riders v Chennai Super Kings
Eden Gardens, Kolkata

Wed Mar 17
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
9th match - Delhi Daredevils v Mumbai Indians
Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi

Thu Mar 18
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
10th match - Royal Challengers Bangalore v Rajasthan Royals
M Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore

Fri Mar 19
10:30 GMT | 16:00 local
16:00 IST
11th match - Delhi Daredevils v Chennai Super Kings
Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi

Fri Mar 19
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
12th match - Deccan Chargers v Kings XI Punjab
Barabati Stadium, Cuttack

Sat Mar 20
10:30 GMT | 16:00 local
16:00 IST
13th match - Rajasthan Royals v Kolkata Knight Riders
Sardar Patel Stadium, Motera, Ahmedabad

Sat Mar 20
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
14th match - Mumbai Indians v Royal Challengers Bangalore
Brabourne Stadium, Mumbai

Sun Mar 21
10:30 GMT | 16:00 local
16:00 IST
15th match - Deccan Chargers v Delhi Daredevils
Barabati Stadium, Cuttack

Sun Mar 21
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
16th match - Chennai Super Kings v Kings XI Punjab
MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chepauk, Chennai

Mon Mar 22
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
17th match - Mumbai Indians v Kolkata Knight Riders
Brabourne Stadium, Mumbai

Tue Mar 23
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
18th match - Royal Challengers Bangalore v Chennai Super Kings
M Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore

Wed Mar 24
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
19th match - Kings XI Punjab v Rajasthan Royals
Punjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali, Chandigarh

Thu Mar 25
10:30 GMT | 16:00 local
16:00 IST
20th match - Royal Challengers Bangalore v Delhi Daredevils
M Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore

Thu Mar 25
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
21st match - Mumbai Indians v Chennai Super Kings
Brabourne Stadium, Mumbai

Fri Mar 26
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
22nd match - Rajasthan Royals v Deccan Chargers
Sardar Patel Stadium, Motera, Ahmedabad

Sat Mar 27
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
23rd match - Kings XI Punjab v Kolkata Knight Riders
Punjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali, Chandigarh

Sun Mar 28
10:30 GMT | 16:00 local
16:00 IST
24th match - Rajasthan Royals v Chennai Super Kings
Sardar Patel Stadium, Motera, Ahmedabad

Sun Mar 28
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
25th match - Deccan Chargers v Mumbai Indians
Dr DY Patil Sports Academy, Mumbai

Mon Mar 29
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
26th match - Delhi Daredevils v Kolkata Knight Riders
Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi

Tue Mar 30
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
27th match - Mumbai Indians v Kings XI Punjab
Brabourne Stadium, Mumbai

Wed Mar 31
10:30 GMT | 16:00 local
16:00 IST
28th match - Chennai Super Kings v Royal Challengers Bangalore
MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chepauk, Chennai

Wed Mar 31
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
29th match - Delhi Daredevils v Rajasthan Royals
Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi

Thu Apr 1
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
30th match - Kolkata Knight Riders v Deccan Chargers
Eden Gardens, Kolkata

Fri Apr 2
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
31st match - Kings XI Punjab v Royal Challengers Bangalore
Punjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali, Chandigarh

Sat Apr 3
10:30 GMT | 16:00 local
16:00 IST
32nd match - Chennai Super Kings v Rajasthan Royals
MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chepauk, Chennai

Sat Apr 3
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
33rd match - Mumbai Indians v Deccan Chargers
Brabourne Stadium, Mumbai

Sun Apr 4
10:30 GMT | 16:00 local
16:00 IST
34th match - Kolkata Knight Riders v Kings XI Punjab
Eden Gardens, Kolkata

Sun Apr 4
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
35th match - Delhi Daredevils v Royal Challengers Bangalore
Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi

Mon Apr 5
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
36th match - Deccan Chargers v Rajasthan Royals
Vidarbha Cricket Association Stadium, Jamtha, Nagpur

Tue Apr 6
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
37th match - Chennai Super Kings v Mumbai Indians
MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chepauk, Chennai
Mostly Cloudy 25 - 35° C
Mostly Cloudy

Wed Apr 7
10:30 GMT | 16:00 local
16:00 IST
38th match - Rajasthan Royals v Kings XI Punjab
Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Jaipur
Mostly Sunny 25 - 40° C
Mostly Sunny

Wed Apr 7
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
39th match - Kolkata Knight Riders v Delhi Daredevils
Eden Gardens, Kolkata
Partly Cloudy 25 - 36° C
Partly Cloudy

Thu Apr 8
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
40th match - Royal Challengers Bangalore v Deccan Chargers
M Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore
Partly Cloudy 20 - 33° C
Partly Cloudy

Fri Apr 9
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
41st match - Kings XI Punjab v Mumbai Indians
Punjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali, Chandigarh
Partly Cloudy 20 - 36° C
Partly Cloudy

Sat Apr 10
10:30 GMT | 16:00 local
16:00 IST
42nd match - Deccan Chargers v Chennai Super Kings
Vidarbha Cricket Association Stadium, Jamtha, Nagpur
Mostly Cloudy 26 - 43° C
Mostly Cloudy

Sat Apr 10
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
43rd match - Royal Challengers Bangalore v Kolkata Knight Riders
M Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore
Cloudy 20 - 33° C

Sun Apr 11
10:30 GMT | 16:00 local
16:00 IST
44th match - Delhi Daredevils v Kings XI Punjab
Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi
Partly Cloudy 23 - 40° C
Partly Cloudy

Sun Apr 11
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
45th match - Rajasthan Royals v Mumbai Indians
Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Jaipur
Partly Cloudy 24 - 41° C
Partly Cloudy

Mon Apr 12
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
46th match - Deccan Chargers v Royal Challengers Bangalore
Vidarbha Cricket Association Stadium, Jamtha, Nagpur

Tue Apr 13
10:30 GMT | 16:00 local
16:00 IST
47th match - Mumbai Indians v Delhi Daredevils
Brabourne Stadium, Mumbai

Tue Apr 13
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
48th match - Chennai Super Kings v Kolkata Knight Riders
MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chepauk, Chennai

Wed Apr 14
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
49th match - Rajasthan Royals v Royal Challengers Bangalore
Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Jaipur

Thu Apr 15
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
50th match - Chennai Super Kings v Delhi Daredevils
MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chepauk, Chennai

Fri Apr 16
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
51st match - Kings XI Punjab v Deccan Chargers
Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association Stadium, Dharmasala

Sat Apr 17
10:30 GMT | 16:00 local
16:00 IST
52nd match - Royal Challengers Bangalore v Mumbai Indians
M Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore

Sat Apr 17
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
53rd match - Kolkata Knight Riders v Rajasthan Royals
Eden Gardens, Kolkata

Sun Apr 18
10:30 GMT | 16:00 local
16:00 IST
54th match - Kings XI Punjab v Chennai Super Kings
Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association Stadium, Dharmasala

Sun Apr 18
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
55th match - Delhi Daredevils v Deccan Chargers
Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi

Mon Apr 19
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
56th match - Kolkata Knight Riders v Mumbai Indians
Eden Gardens, Kolkata

Wed Apr 21
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
Semi-Final - TBC v TBC
M Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore

Thu Apr 22
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
Semi-Final - TBC v TBC
M Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore

Sat Apr 24
14:30 GMT | 20:00 local
20:00 IST
3rd Place Play-off - TBC v TBC
Dr DY Patil Sports Academy, Mumbai

Sun Apr 25
15:00 GMT | 20:30 local
20:30 IST
Final - TBC v TBC
Dr DY Patil Sports Academy, Mumbai

Deccan undone by Warne magic

Shane Warne produced the old magic, and Rajasthan Royals yet again defied the odds to stun Deccan Chargers and maintain their incredible IPL record of always defending a 150-plus total. Even after Warne turned in career-best figures, Deccan were in control going into the final over of the match,

with Rohit Sharma still there with a level-headed half-century. But Deccan bungled the simple job of getting six runs in the last six deliveries, losing their heads and three wickets to be bowled out off the penultimate ball.

Deccan have been abject with the ball and bat towards the end of the innings all tournament, but were in top form bowling in the final five overs of the first match in Nagpur. They snatched six wickets and gave away only 31 runs to keep Rajasthan to what seemed a gettable target after Shane Watson had bashed his second consecutive half-century to put Warne's boys seemingly on track for 180.

However, this proved to be of no avail as Adam Gilchrist's team couldn't correct their miserable record while batting at the death. In the face of a bewitching spell from Warne, Rohit kept Deccan relentlessly on course to a victory, and the match seemed over after the penultimate over from Morne Morkel was belted for 13 runs.

Match Meter

  • DC
  • RP's opening over: Returning after a week, RP Singh strikes twice in his first over, the third of the innings, getting openers Michael Lumb and Naman Ojha to give catches to Ryan Harris.
  • DC RR
  • Yusuf falls cheaply: Shane Watson and Faiz Fazal had set the stage for a Yusuf Pathan onslaught, but he lasts only seven deliveries, falling to a short ball from Harris to leave Rajasthan at 103 for 3 in the 13th.
  • DC
  • Watson holes out: Towards the end of the innings, Watson was the only remaining batsman to take advantage, but he exits in the 17th over and Rajasthan slide to 136 for 7.
  • DC
  • Gilchrist comes out blazing: Chasing a moderate target, a Gilchrist cameo powered Deccan to 48 by the end of the fifth over.
  • DC RR
  • Warne hoodwinks tail: Deccan seem to be cruising to a victory when Warne takes out Azhar Bilakhia and Harris in the 18th over to reduce them to 141 for 7 and keep Rajasthan's hopes alive.
  • DC
  • Rohit blasts Morkel: A straight delivery from Morkel is bludgeoned by Rohit for a straight six bringing the equation to a gettable seven off seven deliveries.
  • RR
  • Trivedi keeps his nerve: Rajasthan's turnaround is complete when Siddharth Trivedi sends down a cool final over; the final three Deccan wickets fall in three consecutive deliveries to hand the game to Rajasthan
Advantage Honours even

Rajasthan medium-pacer Siddharth Trivedi had different ideas though. There was little sign of the drama to come when he was penalised for a bouncer off the second ball to make the equation a simple four runs off five deliveries with three wickets in hand. RP Singh swung-and-missed the next one before miscuing a slower delivery to mid-on, where Morkel ran back to hang on to a smart catch. Harmeet Singh's run-out followed when Rohit wanted to get back on strike, attempting a non-existent second off an overthrow. The Deccan capitulation was complete on the next ball: Rohit slicing a lofted drive to the man at sweeper cover. Yet again, Rajasthan had come back from the dead, and a brilliant innings from Rohit ended with him flinging his bat to the ground in frustration.

The comeback had started with Warne's assortment of tricks. Coming on when Deccan needed 68 off 54, with only three wickets down, he willed his team on with a vintage display of legspin bowling. It seemed the struggles of this season would continue when he was dispatched for boundaries on dragging a couple of deliveries short, but all that changed when he had the left-handed Anirudh Singh inside-edging a legspinner onto the pad. The next ball was a slider, which took the outside edge and wicketkeeper Naman Ojha latched on to a sharp catch.

Warne was at his best after that, with the unusual sight of a spinner bowling with a slip and silly point towards the end of a tight Twenty20. His range of legbreaks took out Dwayne Smith and two tailenders in the next two overs setting the stage for Trivedi's heroics.

Deccan are now staring at elimination, but a controlled innings from the usually explosive Rohit had seemingly brought them firmly back into the semi-final race. His knock was less about the Hollywood hits and more about smart placement illustrated by the ninth over from Aditya Dole: there was a fine glance for four, besides four in-the-gap twos and a couple of legbyes as well.

Rohit's effort came after contrasting performances from Deccan's two big Australian stars. Gilchrist kickstarted the chase with typical haste, his familiar clean, quick swings of the bat resulting in a hurricane 34, while Andrew Symonds turned in an unconvincing 20-ball 15. No other Deccan batsman made it to double digits.

After winning the toss, Rajasthan were disappointed with their batting effort after two Deccan bowlers who have had indifferent tournaments - RP and Harmeet - had good outings, and Ryan Harris also justified his selection ahead of fast bowlers Chaminda Vaas and Kemar Roach.

Rajasthan's troubles started after Watson and Faiz Fazal had shepherded them to 94 by the 11th over. Their brutal hitter Yusuf Pathan walked in at that stage, but Harris exploited the familiar failing against the short ball to nip him out with a delivery that jagged into Yusuf, who could only jab it to backward point to exit for 5.

Watson blasted his way to his second half-century in two matches but wickets were tumbling around him. Harmeet got a couple of wickets in the 16th over, and Watson was undone by a slower bouncer from RP in the next. Warne was caught short by a direct hit and Trivedi holed out off the penultimate delivery to complete Rajasthan's slump from 103 for 3 to 159 all out. It didn't look an adequate total then, but the Rajasthan bowlers delivered to get the team back on track for a semi-final place.


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